Sunday, February 09, 2003


Reston(tm), if not hell, must be freezing over, considering I've managed to update the main part of my site twice in as many months. Chalk it up to the kids taking long naps this weekend.

If you're so inclined, you could check out my newest pretentious photos, mostly from Ireland and France. "New," of course, being a relative term, since we took that trip more than a year ago. But they're still new to you!

I've also posted the most recent edition of our holiday newsletter (PDF). Ever the narcissists, we sent this sucker to acquaintances of friends of friends of friends, so I'm guessing it isn't new to anyone reading this. For the morbidly curious, though, it does have a lovely series of pictures of the various wallpaper patterns in our house. Be prepared to be underwhelmed.

Speaking of underwhelming, I've also updated my resume. Beats working, right? (Prospective -- and current -- employers, please disregard the previous sentence. In fact, disregard everything you see here...)