Sunday, August 05, 2001


The Three Year Old: Friend or Enemy book that Aimee picked out for us a few days back has been one of the biggest sources of unintended comedy we’ve found in some time. Along with the aforementioned clown-burning advice, we’ve now found a helpful list of toys appropriate for 3-year-olds. And it’s as helpful as you might imagine: I never, ever would have figured out for myself that a ball would be an appropriate toy for a three year old. An astrolabe, maybe, but a ball?

Anyhoo, here’s a fun way to test your parenting skills. Some of the items in the list below are from the book, others are not. See if you can pick them out:

  • Balls
  • Blunt scissors
  • Cards with holes punched in them
  • Clowns, scary
  • Felt pens
  • Glass, shards, multicolored
  • Housekeeping toys (carpet sweeper, broom, dust mop)
  • Hookah
  • Kegs
  • Kegs, pony
  • Musical instruments
  • Medical syringes, used
  • Nature specimens, such as fish, turtles, salamanders, rabbits, guinea pigs or plants
  • Nail guns
  • Small child-size hammer, large nails, soft wood

Okay, okay, so maybe I made this too easy. After all, who would give their child a guinea pig?