Thursday, April 19, 2001


So I'm looking through my planner the other day, and I notice a couple of holidays I've never heard of before -- Whitsunday and Whitmonday.

At first, I thought maybe it was one of those wacky Canadian holidays, or one of those random bank holidays they like to take in countries with long dole lines. But since I subscribe religiously to Reader's Digest and all it's fun right-wing theories (plus the College Chuckles are a laff riot), I know it Pays to Increase My Word Power (tm).

So it's off to Google to search for Whitsunday; I get mostly links for some resort in Australia. So I start looking for Whitmonday and get the following helpful definition:

The day after Whitsunday.

And who says that dictionary editors have no sense of humor?

PS. I finally found out that Whitsunday is apparently the same thing as Pentecost. If it makes it easier to remember, just think of it as the day before Whitmonday.