Monday, April 14, 2003


Another letter from my newspaper alma mater. I'd love to be the guy writing the headlines for these things:
North's Civil War tactics like Hussein's

I have read your editorial regarding the statue of Lincoln in Richmond and I find it hard to believe that someone in your position is so poorly educated. Do you know anyone in the Sons of Confederate Veterans? Do you know what the SCV does? Apparently not, or you wouldn't have shot off your uneducated mouth. I strongly suggest you do some serious research and try reading some books which are not written with a Northern point of view and liberal slant. You may find that some of Saddam Hussein's tactics were derived from atrocities committed by the North during the Civil War. Try reading "The South Was Right" by the Kennedy brothers; if you can't find a copy, I can furnish you one. One other thing I would like to remind you of is that you are in the South now and statements such as that editorial are inflammatory. You could lose advertising, subscribers and readers -- that could be costly.

[name withheld]

And smile when you say that, boy!