Wednesday, July 09, 2003


Another fair and balanced letter to the editor from my former employer in the hinterlands:

Enough whining about entitlement

I would like to respond to Nelson Graves' column regarding affirmative action. Isn't it time the African American race quit crying about how unfair they have it? Let's start out first by stating this: The Civil War was not over slavery as has been taught to our kids: It was over states' rights, NOT SLAVERY. Haven't there been other (enslaved) races? Some could point (out) that the Jews were slaves to Hitler. Why should a black man get a job over a white man who is more qualified? Do we have a White American Pageant or a "WET" -- White Entertainment Television -- channel? No, we don't. So why should a black man get a job over another because of his skin tone or vice versa?

(Graves made) reference to Michael Jordan; he is one of the few who is doing something with his money in the black community. We all know of the millions of dollars black athletes and also entertainers make, but what do they do with their money? We hear not, "How can I help the African American race" but how nice a "crib" or "ride" he has, so enough of the whining -- it's time!

The whites call your bluff on how bad your race has it and say what needs to be said -- that the only way to have something is to work for it, not rely on someone feeling sorry for you -- and that goes for every color.

But we do have a White Entertainment Television channel -- it's called Fox News.

Bear in mind that this ran in the same august publication that -- and I swear I'm not making this up -- used whiteout to remove a snake from a Far Side cartoon on deadline because a woman called the publisher to complain that snakes were servants of the devil. Unfortunately, the snake was the punchline of the panel, so the next morning readers awoke to a cartoon that made no sense whatsoever. Usually, they had to get to something I wrote before that happened.